A framework for evidence-based policy making using ITA systems approach Hans Stol


Transparency and verifiability of public policy making are in the spotlight. In public policy making it happens frequently that decisions are made on feelings rather than on facts. The Framework for Evidence-based Policy Making defines the conditions for transparent, verifiable and measurable public policy making.

Transparency and verifiability of public policy making are in the spotlight. In public policy making it happens frequently that decisions are made on feelings rather than on facts. It is even worse. For instance measuring the results of the policy implementation is omitted or the measuring is transferred into a discussion where the politician (1) disputes the original objectives, (2) introduces unforeseen circumstances, or (3) argues on changing judgements.

The Framework for Evidence-based Policy Making defines the conditions for transparent, verifiable and measurable public policy making. EBPM is interpreted in a broad sense, viz. covering the whole process: from obtaining evidence to reaching objectives as confirmed by the evaluation of the results. Conditions for a structural use of IT within the framework are given by providing metadata models for objectives and indicators, and specifications for e-Datacapture and Monitoring and Evaluation systems

Hans Stol has a broad experience in the use of IT in administrative systems in the private and public domain. He contributed to international projects in the area of electronic data capture, policy impact analysis and the development of Monitoring and Evaluation Systems.

“Dit boek zou nu op tafel van president Barack Obama moeten liggen. Stuur het op en stuur er heel veel voor zijn hele staf”
– Professor Paolo Garonna (Officer-in-Charge Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe)






