Musicians as lifelong learners: 32 biographies32 biographies Rineke Smilde


Within the study ‘Musicians as Lifelong Learners: Discovery through Biography’, biographical research was used to examine key developments in the professional lives of musicians, focusing on the relationship between their life, educational and career span and their learning styles. This resulted in a collection of 32 narrative learning

biographies of musicians from different countries and with various careers.

Within the study ‘Musicians as Lifelong Learners: Discovery through Biography’, biographical research was used to examine key developments in the professional lives of musicians, focusing on the relationship between their life, educational and career span and their learning styles. This resulted in a collection of 32 narrative learning biographies of musicians from different countries and with various careers.

Musicians with a performing career, music pedagogues and musicians with a portfolio career, who combine different roles within various areas of engagement, are portrayed. The main thread throughout the biographies is the question of how these musicians learn as ‘lifelong learners’.

It is immensely stimulating to read Rineke Smilde’s research. By developing a strong and up-to-date theoretical framework, and using a solid methodology, she widens our horizons and deepens our understanding of the modern multi-faceted music profession. The life stories and discussions form an inspiring background for developing the learning environments of higher music education.
Johannes Johansson, Vice-Chancellor Royal College of Music in Stockholm; President European Association of Conservatoires.






