Web 1.0 is the ‘old’ web, where the Internet is mainly a source of information. It is basically one-way communication. Web 2.0. goes one step further: not only does the Internet supply information, it also offers the opportunity for sharing information, knowledge and experience. The Internet is an interactive medium. Users communicate and inform each other continuously through social media like Twitter, YouTube and weblogs. Health 2.0 is web 2.0 in the field of health care. It’s all about participation and sharing information between patients as a group, but especially between health care provider and patient. Communication between health care provider and patient is changing drastically. This goes much further than just the Internet. The effect will be also be noticeable in the consulting room and throughout the health care process.
A little booklet about Health 2.0 Lucien Engelen
In this booklet, Lucien Engelen provides a new way of thinking about participatory healthcare. You are invited to share the discussion on how web 2.0 changes the healthcare sector, and how to implement web 2.0 concepts in the daily practice of physicians and healthcare providers.
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