Big Boys Big Egos and Strategic Intelligence (ebook) Joséph H.A.M Rodenberg & Antoinette Rijsenbilt


The authors describe how narcissism can have productive and destructive influences on organizational outcomes. Narcissism can also be measured with objective variables. Countervailing power of the Board of Directors is the key mechanism to control a CEO’s narcissism. Strategic intelligence enables the Board to organize this countervailing power.

Therefore, strategic intelligence makes the difference between productive and destructive narcissism. Very few companies have strategic intelligence positioned on a par with other functions that report directly to the Board. Recent scientific research is the foundation for this new book and is based on a sample of nearly 1,000 S&P 500 CEOs analyzed during the period of 1992 to 2008. Big Boys Big Egos and Strategic Intelligence gives the reader useful insights into productive and destructive narcissism at the top of the business world. It includes 70 practical and compelling case studies. The book offers many new ideas on how strategic intelligence can help top managers prevail over destructive narcissism.

Reader Comments:

“Great, the first book describing how destructive narcissism can be prevailed by strategic intelligence”

“Easy to read and describes how to give countervailing power to those big egos”

“The authors give many practical examples of big egos that destroyed the business, but also numerous examples of productive leadership”

About The Authors:
Joseph H.A.M. Rodenberg is managing partner of Rodenberg Tillman & Associates, based in the Netherlands, founded in 1985, and active in strategic intelligence solutions across Europe. This book is his fifth since 2000 on the topics of business intelligence, enterprise intelligence, competitive intelligence and strategic intelligence. Before establishing his own firm, Joseph held management positions at Numico and A.D. Little Benelux in the Netherlands, Dr. Oetker in Germany, and the U.S. firm R.J. Reynolds Tobacco.
Antoinette Rijsenbilt studied business economics and psychology and received her PhD in economics in 2011 with research on the measurement and impact of CEO narcissism. From 1991 to 2009, she worked in financial positions, both in complex international organizations and in SMEs. Since 2009, she works for the Erasmus University Rotterdam and is non-executive director of the Dutch Fiscal Economic Institute. Antoinette has a special interest in issues concerning economics, leadership, governance and psychology. Her research focuses on the narcissistic personality and the impact on organizations.





