Cities as partnersThe challenge to strengthen urban governance through North-South city partnerships Marike Bontenbal


Cities become increasingly connected through formal international relations and networks. They partner up to transfer resources and to exchange municipal knowledge and expertise. Do these partnerships lead to better local government institutions and a more powerful position of citizens in these countries? How do city partnerships emerge, and what do cities need in order to maintain international relations?

Cities become increasingly connected through formal international relations and networks. They partner up to transfer resources and to exchange municipal knowledge and expertise. City partnerships seek to contribute to meeting a variety of urban planning challenges in developing countries, such as poverty alleviation and local institutional strengthening.

Do these partnerships lead to better local government institutions and a more powerful position of citizens in these countries? How do city partnerships emerge, and what do cities need in order to maintain international relations? How do cities learn from partner cities worldwide and what are the benefits that may accrue for municipalities in development?

This book provides insightful and interesting answers to these questions, by telling the story of four partnerships between cities in The Netherlands, Germany, Peru, South Africa and Nicaragua.






