The research presented in this thesis introduces TrAcEs and FoRcEs as control-software design methods to model autonomous traffic agents using shared infrastructures. This method is supported by a workbench that provides software components which facilitate rapid development of safe, exible, agile, and scalable, traffic control systems in a modern programming language.
The relevance of TrAcEs and FoRcEs is demonstrated via examples, one of which is an envisioned high-performance automated transport system on a container sea-terminal. The required traffic control system is a challenge to design and implement, and is validated within a laboratory for logistic research.
This research is inspired by Joseph J.M. Evers. His passion and vision regarding the control of automated traÆc agents, and his drive to realize a fleet of keyboard-sized automatically guided vehicles, was invaluable. It provided an environment in which not only the TrAcEs and FoRcEs control-software design methods could be conceived, but the reference implementation of their software workbenches produced. As a result, this research has not only produced this thesis, but also software that can be deployed to develop real traffic control systems.