Organizing and Learning through Gaming and SimulationProceedings of ISAGA 2007 Igor Mayer & Hanneke Mastik (eds.)


Anno 2008 ‘Serious’ gaming-simulation finds itself in ‘overdrive’. The immense popularity of (video) games for

leisure and entertainment is spurring the interest of established and young academics and practitioners for things

like: game-design, virtual and digital technologies, social and cultural dimensions, evaluation and assessment and the many ways in which gaming-simulation can contribute to education, learning, training, organization, (public) policy and decision-making.

Anno 2008 ‘Serious’ gaming-simulation finds itself in ‘overdrive’. The immense popularity of (video) games for leisure and entertainment is spurring the interest of established and young academics and practitioners for things like: game-design, virtual and digital technologies, social and cultural dimensions, evaluation and assessment and the many ways in which gaming-simulation can contribute to education, learning, training, organization, (public) policy and decision-making.

At the 38th ISAGA conference 2007 in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, over 250 game researchers, professionals and game adepts – from 25 countries – exchanged insights, results and ideas on (serious) gaming-simulation. Digital immigrants conversed, designed and played games with digital natives – and first life met second life.

Organizing and Learning through Gaming and Simulation – Proceedings of Isaga 2007 is a harvest of 45 edited contributions to the field of gaming-simulation. The book is intended for a wide audience – for researchers, designers, decisionmakers and educators who want to update their knowledge or get inspiration.

About the editors

Igor Mayer is an associate professor in Public Administration and Gaming in the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management (TPM), Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. He is the director of the TPM – Centre for Process Management and Simulation (CPS).

Hanneke Mastik is an associate professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), The Netherlands. She is in charge of gaming-simulation in the department of Public Administration.






