Some major environmental and development problems – such as the loss of species, climate change and human poverty – have significantly worsened over the last decade of the 20th century. The outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, held in Johannesburg in 2002, make many pessimistic about our capacity to solve these problems. One of the main problems is the rapid, human-induced, loss of species.
This book assesses various specific biodiversity-related features in detail, while attempting not to lose track of the sustainability problem at large. Moreover, the purpose is to formulate realistic strategies that can contribute to bringing about changes in the international policy arena necessary for reaching a sustainable and equitable world.
The current volume presents some of the written and elaborated contributions to a symposium, held from 12 through 14 June 2002 in Groningen, and organized by the Netherlands chapter of Pugwash. The participants of the Symposium adopted the Groningen Manifesto, addressed to the representatives of the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg later that year.
Contributors Bas de Gaay Fortman, Anne Ehrlich, Jane Goodall, Radha Holla, Roefie Hueting, Dwijen Mallick, Arthur Petersen, Atiq Rahman, Lucas Reijnders, Friedrich Schmidt-Bleek, Vandana Shiva, Koo van der Wal, Bob van der Zwaan, Jan van Hooff, Johan van Klinken, Ernst von Weizsäcker, Jan Pronk.