
The Dynamic Interactive Attitude ListThe effective mapping of behaverioural dynamics between pupils, teachers and parents. A helpful tool for educational psychologists dealing with problematic pupils and classrooms Jeroen M. Petri



During his work with primary and secondary schools in Israel, Jeroen M. Petri combined diagnostic work with gathering information concerning the social dynamics between pupils, teachers and parents, and developed a method of approaching problems based on interactive questionnaires.


The DYAL (Dynamic Interactive Attitude List) approach focuses on the way one looks at a situation and the way questions are asked. This approach enables the psychologist to map social dynamics between pupil, teacher and parents. As a result, constructive changes can be brought about in problematic situations between pupils, parents and teachers, as well as in classrooms described as ‘impossible’ to manage.

During his work with primary and secondary schools in Israel, Jeroen M. Petri combined diagnostic work with gathering information concerning the social dynamics between pupils, teachers and parents, and developed a method of DYAL approach, approaching problems based on interactive questionnaires.

Jeroen M. Petri (1948) is a Dutch social en educational psychologist. This book is based on his experience as a psychologist in the Netherlands and Israel and his research at schools in the Ukraine.

This publication is a partly revised and condensed summary of ‘Bij haar kan ik niet leren!’ (I can’t learn when she’s here), published in 1999, ISBN 9035220153 and ‘De Groene Draad’ (the Green Wire), a study published in Dutch and Russian in 2004, ISBN 9090175601.

Copies of this publication can be ordered by contacting the author at petrigriega@hetnet.nl.