The City at Eye Level (2016)Lessons for Street Plinths Meredith Glaser et al.


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The “plinths” of the city are the ground floors that negotiate between the inside and the outside, between the public and the private: this is the city at eye level. Plinths are extremely important for the urban experience, which in turn is an important driver for the urban economy. The plinths might cover only 10% of the building, but determine 90% of the experience. While walking, you consciously and subconsciously examine the immediate eye-level surroundings and absorb any details.

The book shows you how a good plinth “works” for a better street at eye level. It contains concrete and inspiring examples of strategies for design, land use, the relation to the street, passenger flows and the collaboration of partners. The book is a collection of stories of over 25 experts from all over the world: a collective product with lessons from planners, owners, managers and designers. In addition to many international examples and case studies, the book contains several interviews and research articles. It concludes with practical lessons for the reader to put into practice in their own cities.

“… an extraordinarily valuable compendium of insight and perspective …” ~Stephen Roulac on the first 2013 edition in New York Journal of Books:








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