
The Fall of Assyriaand Median-Babylonian relations in light of the Nabopolassar chronicle Stefan Zawadzki



The aim of this work is to examine the immidiate internal and external circumstances of the Assyrian downfall. The first chapter comprises a short outline of Assyrian history in which special emphasis has been laid upon social-economic, political and military causes of Assyria’s vulnerability. The situation faced by Assyria during the last quarter century of her existence is presented in the second chapter. Then the author goes on to a discussion covering the anti-Assyrian coalition and its make-up. As a result it is possible to determine conclusively the roll of Babylonia, Media and the Scythians in the fall of Assyria, and in history of the Ancient Near East from the end of the 7th untill the beginning of the 6th century B.C.

The aim of Stefan Zawadski’s book is to examine the immidiate internal and external circumstances of the Assyrian downfall. The first chapter comprises a short outline of Assyrian history in which special emphasis has been laid upon social-economic, political and military causes of Assyria’s vulnerability. The situation faced by Assyria during the last quarter century of her existence is presented in the second chapter. Then the author goes on to a discussion covering the anti-Assyrian coalition and its make-up. As a result it is possible to determine conclusively the roll of Babylonia, Media and the Scythians in the fall of Assyria, and in history of the Ancient Near East from the end of the 7th untill the beginning of the 6th century B.C.








