How will publishers develop in the Internet age? Given the demand for new ideas and innovation to provide better levels of service and to help develop the economy overall, this key question is particularly important to readers in industry. With the interactivity of the new media publishers have an opportunity to do much more than provide information.
Transforming publishing for industry using digital strategies explores how this could be done and investigates views within the information industry to support a model for business that is derived. Since the first wave of dot com companies suffered their problems by not always satisfying customer requirements, this book points the way to investigating services on the Internet that can really demonstrate value to industries and therefore to society as a whole. To achieve this requires a new way of working and managing a business and its strategy whether a start-up or under the auspices of any of today ‘s major publishers as exploratory new business. Transforming publishing is relevant not only to those in publishing or even the information industry at large, but to anyone with an interest in how innovation can be nurtured in industry especially in areas related to advanced technologies.
Paul M. Evans previously was director of the industry unit Elsevier Advanced Technology, and is now a publishing director in charge of the materials science and engineering business within the leading publisher Elsevier Science. Since 1985, he has worked with various units of Reed Elsevier, including business to business and scientific publishing, apart from a period as course leader for publishing studies at Robert Gordon University in Scotland and as business manager for PERA (formerly the Production Engineering Research Association).Prior to his career in publishing he was a computer programmer with the Mars companies and a teacher in Japan. He has an MA from the University of Oxford, MBA from Oxford Brookes University and a first class BSc from the Open University. This research has been conducted in the course of doctoral research with Nyenrode University, the Netherlands School of Business.